Mark Wilson Broken Wand Ceremony
Post date: Feb 10, 2021 8:42:52 PM
IBM Ring 280, the Mark Wilson Ring will be holding a virtual broken wand ceremony for our friend and name sake James "Mark" Wilson on February 11 starting at 7:30 PM pst.
A broken wand ceremony is a ritual performed at the death of a magician, in which a wand — either the wand which the magician used in performances, or a ceremonial one — is broken, indicating that with the magician's death, the wand has lost its magic. It is a solemn ceremony and is done with reverence. Please let me know if you will be attending so we can provide a list to the widow.
The ceremony will be presided over by Past President Bob Love.
The zoom address is
Vanishing Inc. has prepared a Mark Wilson Tribute and has graciously allowed Ring 280 to distribute it.
Please mute yourself during the ceremony.