2012 Day for Kids
Post date: Sep 01, 2012 6:8:38 PM
2012 Day for Kids
September 22, 2012
12pm-5pm Newhall Park
Once again IBM Ring 280 will be performing magic at Santa Clarita’s Day for Kids. 2012 marks the fifth year Ring 280 has volunteered at this event.
Day for Kids: Every year, Americans celebrate Mother's Day, Father's Day, and even Groundhog Day. The City of Santa Clarita thinks it's time to honor children by celebrating a "Day for Kids." Families in Santa Clarita will enjoy a free kids' carnival, open to the public on Saturday, September 22, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. at Newhall Park.
We had the largest group of magicians turn out for last year’s event. If you haven’t participated in the past, be sure to ask any of these folks about the fun experience they had: Curt, Daniel, Barry, Don, Leonard, Andrew, Glenn, Everett, Bryan or myself!
View the photos (taken by Curt MacLean) from the 2011 Day for Kids on our website: http://www.ibmring280.com/gallery
So far, the following magicians have signed up: Bryan, Don, Daniel, Curt, Chris, Lonnie, Everett, Steve and Bob.
This is a great chance to give back to the community and earn some Mark Wilson dollars for next year's auction. Don’t miss the fun!
Please sign up using our Sign Up Genius page.