Festival of Trees 2010
Post date: Aug 24, 2011 3:14:32 AM
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Santa Clarita Boys & Girls Club Festival of Trees will take place from November 18-21, 2010 at 21119 Centre Pointe Parkway in Canyon Country. For the fifth year in a row, IBM Ring 280 will have strolling and stage magicians at the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley Festival of Trees.
Ring 280 magicians can be seen anytime during the following days and times:
Friday, November 19: 10am-9pm
Saturday, November 20: 10am-3pm
Sunday, November 21: 12pm-5pm
Please email brian@santaclaritamagic.com if you or someone you know is interested in any of the following volunteer options for the festival. Obviously, you need to specify the days/times you are available.
•Perform strolling or close up magic
•Perform a 15- or 30-minute routine on stage
•Volunteer at the festival in another capacity (non-magic). There are 400 volunteer slots to fill during the four days.
For more information visit www.scvfestivaloftrees.org or call (661) 254-3063.